Mazda MX-5 Miata Mako Teeth Grille Insert
Time for a Shark Attack
A car with these teeth gets attention. The shark has survived millenia as an efficient carnivore, striking fear into lesser creatures. Nothing symbolizes power quite like the shark's gaping maw or razor sharp teeth, and you'll probably get a little more room on the road by sporting them yourself.
Product Information:
Our decorative grille inserts are made from an exterior grade acrylic/PVC alloy chosen
for its durability. The material is called Kydex 100, and it is used extensively in the
transportation industry. For more information and technical specifications, click the
link below.
All suppliers, cutters, and finishers are US companies. Yes, the teeth ultimately will be
mounted on a foreign car, but that cannot be helped.
The cut teeth are hand finished to remove all cutting residue, packaged to keep them
clean, and then shipped to your location directly from our warehouse.
Miata Teeth Mounting
The Mazda Miata mounting system uses existing holes in the grille, and we furnish all the mounting hardware you will need. No drilling or professional installation is needed.
You'll be on your way to smiles and waves in about 1/2 hour.
Installation has been verified in the following Miata model years: 1990-1997, 1999-2001. Many customers report they have installed the teeth in newer models,
but we have not verified these installations personally. If you're bit of a tinkerer, you'll be up to the challenge.
See Installation Tab for more details
* Lights NOT included *
Installation is a snap. The only tools you'll need are the following:
Phillips screwdriver
1/2" socket and ratchet wrench (can substitute 1/2" open ended wrench or a crescent wrench in a pinch)
Diagonal wire cutters (for some early models)
Note: If substitute tools are being used, or if you doubt your ability to do work with them, ask a mechanic or body shop professional for help.
Complete Installation Instructions
Remove existing fasteners (6) from the grille.
There are 3 fasteners on the top and 3 on the bottom. You'll unscrew these and pull them out with your fingers.
Install the teeth.
Shove the new bolts through the holes in the grille and the teeth. Tighten 'em up.
Put away your tools.
Voila. You are done.
Now take her for a spin, and see who notices first.
We're truly not kidding. This is all there is to it.
Each kit ships with a clearly-worded instruction sheet including detailed illustrations.
By the way, if you haven't pulled your Miata's "baby teeth" yet, no problem. The installation does not interfere in any way.
Installation has been verified in the following Miata model years: 1990-1997, 1999-2001. Many customers report they have installed the teeth in newer models,
but we have not verified these installations personally. If you're bit of a tinkerer, you'll be up to the challenge.