Genuine Mazda MX-5 Miata OEM Navigation SD Card for 7" Full-Color Touchscreen Display 2016-2020
Do you need to add Mazda GPS Navigation to your 2016-2000 CX-5, 2015 Mazda 3, 2016 Mazda 6, 2016-2000 Mazda MX-5 Miata? All you need is an Mazda Navigation Upgrade SD Card for 7" full-color touchscreen display. Mazda's fully integrated Navigation SD card works seamlessly with your Mazda Connect system. Bringing you maps, directions and more - all displayed on your car's touch screen.
Once the SD card is installed in a vehicle it cannot be transferred to another vehicle. Applies to vehicles with the Mazda Connect system and screen but without navigation from the factory.
2015 Mazda3, 2016 Mazda6, 2016 CX-5, 2016-2000 Mazda MX-5 Miata (with Mazdaconnect) NAVIGATION SYSTEM SD CARD CAUTION When installing a navigation SD card, confirm that the card is unlocked. Also, Mazda Does Not Recommend swapping navigation system SD cards from one vehicle to another. Based on data collected by the The SD card is VIN-locked when either of the below conditions are met:
1. After first installation of a new SD card, the vehicle has been driven 62 miles (100 Km). Note If the SD card is installed with the tab at the “LOCK” side, the navigation system will not operate. Note If a SD card with VIN-locked condition is installed to another vehicle, there will be an error message “Invalid SD Card” on the center display.
2. The SD Card was removed from the first vehicle (A) before 62 mile drive, and then installed on another vehicle (B). In this case, the SD card is VIN-locked for the vehicle (B) at the instant the card is inserted.
If a SD card with VIN-locked condition is installed to another vehicle, there will be an error message “Invalid SD Card” on the center display.